Showing 57 verified green hosting providers in 1 country.

Germany (57)

23M GmbH Visit 23M GmbH's website

At 23M we specialize in high availability hosting solutions with unparalleled customer service. No matter what kind of servers you need, we are happy to help and all that is "Made in Germany" in the heart of the internet capital Frankfurt.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Adacor Visit Adacor's website

Adacor supports small and medium-sized businesses in their digital transformation to the cloud and AI. We advise you on choosing suitable public and private cloud platforms for a modern IT architecture of your projects. We provide individual support to your IT teams in strategy, conception, infrastructure and 24/7 operations. Partnering with Adacor means accessing over 20 years of cloud expertise, experience in operating critical infrastructures, sustainable IT services and agile working methods following ITIL, Kanban, and Scrum. We operate secure and modern cloud solutions in German data centers, ensuring the highest standards of data security and reliability.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
  • Sustainability Report

    The new sustainability report will be available within a month. In the meantime, we have a CO2 balance sheet and the sustainability report from 2022. Should you require it, we can send the new sustainability report for 2023 as soon as it is ready.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

AHOI Visit AHOI's website

AHOI combines volunteer work with digitalization and entrepreneurial activity. To increase the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations, AHOI provides useful digital resources and supports organizations in digitizing their necessary processes. AHOI is convinced that nonprofit organizations need to offer services that their target groups can use as easily as they are accustomed to as consumers. Therefore, organizations must digitize their processes. Digitalization also helps to reduce costs or use resources more effectively.

  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. Visit's website

Managed WordPress Hosting

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
  • Certificate

    I use the datacenter of active 1 GmbH for my hosting.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

AM GmbH Visit AM GmbH's website

Datacenter and Managed Service Provider inkluding Application Management

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Artfiles New Media GmbH Visit Artfiles New Media GmbH's website

Colocation, Cloud und Hosting in Hamburg, Germany. We provide professional solutions for internet enterprises and offer support from start to finish - with 100% energy from renewable sources.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

BitPoint AG Visit BitPoint AG's website

Ecofriendly cloud services for organizations that want to sustainably digitize their processes. Our services range from simple VPS to full IaaS, BaaS and DRaaS in the failsafe BitPoint Cloud. We operate our data centers in Germany.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Canny Mercs ICT Consulting Visit Canny Mercs ICT Consulting's website

Canny IT is a small IT consulting company from Germany with a consulting focus on planning in the manufacturing industry. We are convinced that scarce resources should be used as efficiently and sparingly as possible or replaced by renewable ones. Sustainability therefore plays a decisive role for us. For years, we have been generating the majority of the electricity we need ourselves from hydropower and photovoltaics. In addition to our servers and offices, we also use our renewable electricity for heating by heat pump and mobility by electric car. To cover peak loads and be prepared for outages, we operate a battery storage system, and any additional electricity we need is sourced externally from Green Planet Energy (formerly Greenpeace Energy).

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

creoline GmbH Visit creoline GmbH's website

creoline GmbH has been implementing individual and scalable cloud solutions for the B2B sector with a focus on e-commerce in the DACH region since 2009. Thanks to many years of experience and the use of the latest low energery enterprise technologies, creoline offers a secure, flexible and future-oriented solution in the field of server virtualization.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH Visit Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH's website

Telekom MMS supports companies in their digital transformation and develops sustainable business models for digital experiences. As a leading digital experience service provider, Telekom MMS offers customer-centric end-to-end solutions and brings digital to life. With around 2,200 employees at nine locations and an annual turnover of € 220 million in 2022, the company offers dynamic web and application management and ensures the highest software quality, accessibility and IT security with an accredited test center.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
Published supporting evidence
  • Certificate renewable energy use ITENOS 2023-2025

    I.T.E.N.O.S. International Telecom Network Operation Services GmbH (ITENOS) is a service provider for information and telecommunications technology. Its focus is on customized solutions for housing, networks and cloud in its own data centers and proprietary network infrastructures.

    ITENOS is a wholly owned subsidiary of T-Systems International GmbH resp. Deutsche Telekom AG

    Telekom MMS GmbH is listed as the offical hoster. ITENOS is offering housing.
    Therefore the certificate is applicable for ITENOS GmbH.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

DM Solutions GmbH Visit DM Solutions GmbH's website

Full Service ISP from Hanau, Germany

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. - Domain-Offensive Visit - Domain-Offensive's website

Professional service for your domains with experience since 1999. We always process standard domains and webspace orders live for you. Our specialists are at your side for all your domain and hosting needs. Choose whether you want to contact us by e-mail, live chat or telephone.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

dotplex GmbH Visit dotplex GmbH's website

Fully managed hosting solutions for professional requirements. dotplex offers 15 years of experience and supports over 250 companies and NGOs.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. Visit's website

We are a full server provider for website hosting, domains, cloud servers, email hosting, Sogo hosting. Email archiving, certificates and domains

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

fortrabbit Visit fortrabbit's website

PHP as a service. A different kind of hosting for agencies, freelancers and startups.

  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
  • Atmosfair

    Monthly payments to atmosfair.

  • Payment

    We also support Green Earth.

  • CO2 emissions and more documents package

    As requested. This ZIP files contains more receipts and also screenshots from the AWS Carbon Footprint Calculator.

    ## CO2 emissions

    According to AWS Carbon Offset Footprint Tool monthly emissions are 0.002 MTCO2e only. The 'saving' is around 1 MTCO2e. That's for our whole account using us-east-1 and eu-west-1. There might be a testing micro setup in another region.

    Find two screenshots, monthly and overall usage. While researching this I noticed that the AWS Carbon Offset Footprint Tool is not exporting current data. I will inquire about that.

    ## Offsetting

    We use Atmosfair for offsetting since a few years, although I am not big believer in offsetting. According to monthly certificates we offset ~6 MTCO2e monthly. So either way, we should offset much more than we emit.

    Find some certificates attached.

    ## Other initiatives

    We also proudly support Project Earth by Phil Sturgeon and company []( on a monthly basis. Find some donation receipts attached.

    We proud ourselves to provide 'lean hosting resources'. Clients are expected to write efficient code, we support em doing so. This results in fewer hardware resources and energy being used in the first place. We will double on that with our new platform, planned to launch later this year.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

goneo Internet GmbH Visit goneo Internet GmbH's website

goneo Internet GmbH is a German web hosting company that offers a variety of services related to web hosting, domain registration, website design, and other internet-related services. They provide hosting solutions for individuals, small businesses, and larger enterprises, allowing them to establish and maintain their online presence. Additionally, goneo Internet GmbH offers domain registration services, email hosting, website building tools, and customer support for their clients.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Greensta Ă–kohosting Visit Greensta Ă–kohosting's website

Greensta bietet grĂĽnes Webhosting und Nextcloud an. Alle Hosting-Angebote und Server bei greensta werden ausschlieĂźlich mit 100% Ă–kostrom von Windcores betrieben. Somit ist greensta ein umweltfreundlicher und energieeffizienter Webhoster.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Händle & Korte GmbH Visit Händle & Korte GmbH's website

Glasfaser, Ethernet, Server, Hosting and Domains. Our core competence and strength is technology!

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Hetzner Online GmbH Visit Hetzner Online GmbH's website

Welcome to #Hetzner! We're a web hosting company with our own data center parks in Germany and Finland as well as Co-Locations in USA and Singapur.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
Published supporting evidence
  • Sustainability page

    Hetzner Online is taking responsibility and protecting the environment. Taking responsibility for the environment means there is an increasing need to obtain energy from renewable sources. Hetzner Online uses 100% energy from renewable sources to power the servers in its data centers in Germany and Finland.

    For years, the investment decisions made at Hetzner Online have been based on energy efficiency. Power usage of hardware and network components has been determined by in-house measurement and used as a fundamental criterion in the selection of components. This is reflected in our PUE: Our data centers achieve a PUE of 1.10 and 1.16. Furthermore, natural air cools our data centers for up to 98% of the year.

    Choose Hetzner with a clear conscience: Hetzner Online wishes to use these measures to promote energy-efficient use of the Internet. The associated costs will be met in full by Hetzner Online and not passed on to clients. Choose a cleaner future together with Hetzner Online!

  • Renewable Energy Certificates - Germany
  • Renewable Energy Certificates - Finland
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Host-On Service Provider GmbH Visit Host-On Service Provider GmbH's website ist ein junges, dynamisches IT-Unternehmen, gegründet in der schönen Lüneburger Heide und seit März 2024 mit Hauptsitz in Frakfurt/Main. Wir betreuen Kunden in ganz Deutschland, Europa und der Welt. Gegründet im Jahr 2010, verfügen wir über langjährige Erfahrung im Webhosting-Geschäft, die direkt unseren Kunden zugute kommt. Hohe Kundenzufriedenheit und der kürzlich erfolgte Umzug in ein hochmodernes, ISO-zertifiziertes Rechenzentrum unterstreichen unsere Ansprüche an Qualität und Service.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. GmbH Visit GmbH's website

With more than 22 years of experience in multiple areas of professional web hosting services, has proven to be a reliable partner for business projects, from small to enterprise-sized. Professionally trained in-house support and an extensive developer team ensure that existing services run smoothly while new technologies are integrated progressively, helping customers to reach their professional goals.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Hostsharing eG Visit Hostsharing eG's website

Hostsharing is a cooperative organization specializing in providing web hosting services. The organization offers environmentally friendly and ethically oriented hosting solutions for individuals, businesses, and organizations. Hostsharing relies on open-source software and emphasizes transparency, data protection, and sustainability in its services. The organization aims to promote a democratic and fair internet infrastructure.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

ILK Internet GmbH Visit ILK Internet GmbH's website

Service-Provider, Hosting, Housing, Managed Services

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Internet AG Visit Internet AG's website

We are a hosting provider in Frankfurt Germany offering various services related to hosting services.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

InternetWerk GmbH Visit InternetWerk GmbH's website

Professionelles Webhosting für Geschäftskunden mit Serverstandort Deutschland und kostenlosem Umzugsservice für bestehende Webseite und E-Mailkonten mit samt Inhalten.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
  • Urkunde

    Nachweis Ă–kostromverwendung

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

IONOS SE Visit IONOS SE's website

IONOS is the leading European digitalisation partner for small and medium-sized businesses. The company serves over six million customers and has a presence in 18 markets across Europe and North America, with its services being accessible worldwide. Its web presence and productivity portfolio caters to all digitalisation needs, providing domains, web hosting and website builders with AI capabilities, as well as eCommerce and online marketing tools. The company also offers cloud solutions for businesses looking to move their operations to the cloud as they expand and develop.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. GmbH & Co KG Visit GmbH & Co KG's website

High Availability Hosting and Managed Services

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

lima-city Visit lima-city's website

lima-city provides shared web hosting, domains, e-mail services, vServers and Cloud Servers with excellent service, great connectivity and green power.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Linevast Visit Linevast's website

Linevast offers you customised hosting solutions at fair conditions. Benefit from our many years of experience and technical expertise without having to invest in your own infrastructure or additional know-how.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Link11 GmbH Visit Link11 GmbH's website

Link11 is a global IT security provider, specializing in protection of network infrastructures and web applications from cyberattacks. The company is headquartered in Germany and has offices worldwide in Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East.

  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. GmbH Visit GmbH's website

We are a Leipzig based Hosting Company with over 20 years of experience. We offer managed services and cloud services, We are a German hosting provider that uses 100% green electricity.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
  • Certificate

    Certificate for the 100% supply of the data center from European hydropower.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Lyratris Limited Visit Lyratris Limited's website

Lyratris is a Europe-based hosting and infrastructure provider founded in 2017. We specialize in cloud servers, dedicated servers, content delivery networks (CDN), and custom infrastructure setups.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
Published supporting evidence
  • Green energy certificate

    All our infrastructure is hosted within the iNTERWERK datacenter operated by the Active 1 GmbH. The datacenter is run 100% on green energy since years and regularly publishing a certificate issued by the energy provider.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

maincubes Holding & Service GmbH Visit maincubes Holding & Service GmbH's website

maincubes provides data centers for colocation services, offering redundant power supply, fault current monitoring, and emergency power supply, as well as climate control and physical monitoring and security of the data center.

  • Compute: Colocation Services
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

manitu GmbH Visit manitu GmbH's website

Wir bieten Webhosting mit 100% Ă–kostrom und Service der Extraklasse.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

minuskel screen partner GmbH Visit minuskel screen partner GmbH's website

Berlin based hosting with more than 30 years of experience. We offer managed TYPO3, Nextcloud, Mailman and BigBlueButton services among others.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG Visit Mittwald CM Service GmbH & Co. KG's website

The web is our home. Code is our oxygen. And agencies and freelancers are what make our digital hearts beat faster, so we do everything to provide the service you need for your projects. Our smart user interface guarantees an optimised workflow and makes your agency more efficient. Clever features such as the Time to First Byte analysis support you with your daily business. Plus: All your projects are hosted eco-friendly in our own data center in Germany. To discover more about our ecological projects, please visit our website: In order to get the official mittwald sustainability badge, please write an email to

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

mobilistics GmbH Visit mobilistics GmbH's website

At mobilistics GmbH, we provide high-performance cloud hosting solutions tailored to your needs. Our Kubernetes-based platform ensures scalability, reliability, and security for your applications, with all data hosted in Germany for GDPR compliance. We offer flexible, pay-per-use pricing with no minimum contract terms, 24/7 support, and expertise in technologies like TYPO3, Docker, NGINX, and WordPress. Trust us to keep your business running smoothly in the cloud.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

NetCologne GmbH Visit NetCologne GmbH's website

Was uns ausmacht? Besondere Verbindungen. Damit meinen wir aber viel mehr als nur unsere Angebote rund ums Internet, Telefon, Fernsehen und Mobilfunk: Wir meinen insbesondere auch die Verbindung zu unserer Region, zu den Menschen und zu den verschiedensten Herausforderungen von heute, von morgen und vom Tag danach. So sind wir Deutschlands Vorreiter im Glasfaserausbau und superschnellem Internet. Mit 30.500 Kilometern verlegten Kabeln und einem stetigen Ausbau gehört unser Glasfasernetz zu den modernsten in Europa. Über eine halbe Million Privat- und Geschäftskunden vertrauen auf uns und machen uns hierzulande zu dem größten regionalen Telekommunikationsanbieter. Mit Innovationsstärke, Pioniergeist und Verlässlichkeit bringen wir die Menschen zusammen – und unsere Region immer weiter nach vorn. Mit der Zukunft im Blick. Mit Köln im Herzen. Und vor allem: miteinander.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

noris network AG Visit noris network AG's website

noris network AG offers IT outsourcing, managed services, cloud services, colocation, and network & security. Its solutions include standard products and managed PaaS for containers on its own cloud platforms, supported by high-security data centers.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Petricore Green Hosting GmbH Visit Petricore Green Hosting GmbH's website

Petricore Green Hosting GmbH is a climate-neutral web host with servers in Iceland. Why Iceland? Because here: have the same data protection as in all of Europe get 100% fossil-free electricity do not need cooling ...and thus make Iceland's green electricity usable for the European mainland We also reduce the CO2 footprint through a particularly efficient utilization concept. This means we need less hardware and can use the servers for almost 50% longer. What we can't avoid in terms of emissions - we offset through reforestation in Iceland and the recultivation of moors in Germany. So if this is of interest to you or your customers as a greener alternative - please get in touch!

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Planetary Networks GmbH Visit Planetary Networks GmbH's website

Founded in 2000, Planetary Networks offers professional hosting for small and large enterprise companies. All our locations are in Germany and use 100% green electricity.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
  • Ă–kostrom-Zertifikat

    Der klimaneutrale Ökostrom aus 100 Prozent Wasserkraft von Energie Südbayern wird vollständig von europäischen Anlagen erzeugt und vom TÜV Nord zertifiziert. Durch den Bezug von Ökostrom entstehen weder CO2 Emissionen noch radioaktiver Abfall. Die Lumen Technologies Germany GmbH spart bei einem prognostizierten Strombedarf in Höhe von ca. 58.291.912 kWh jährlich bis zu 20.402,2 t CO2 ein und leistet damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz und nachhaltigem Ressourcenerhalt.

    The servers are operated in the data center of Lumen Technologies Germany.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Profihost GmbH Visit Profihost GmbH's website

Managed Hosting fĂĽr E-Commerce Champions. Wir hosten Ihren E-Commerce-Erfolg: Shop Hosting und Services fĂĽr beste Performance bei minimalem Betreuungsaufwand.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
Published supporting evidence
  • Company facts / Supplier certificat

    The datacenter runs on 100% renewable energy. To keep the impact on the environment as low as possible, only electricity from hydropower is beeing used.
    envia TEL GmbH operates the data center in which the profihost servers run. The certificate is the proof that the electricity for the data center comes from renewable energy.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

q.beyond AG Visit q.beyond AG's website

q.beyond AG is the key to successful digitalisation. We help our customers find the best digital solutions for their business and then put them into practice. Our strong team of 1,100 people accompanies SME customers securely and reliably throughout their digital journey. We are experts in Cloud, SAP, Microsoft, data intelligence, security and software development. With locations throughout Germany, as well as in Latvia, Spain and India, and its own certified data centres, q.beyond is one of Germany’s leading IT service providers.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

qwertiko GmbH Visit qwertiko GmbH's website

Maßgeschneidert & leistungsstark: Die qwertiko Platform-as-a-Service Lösung

  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. Visit's website

Wir bieten schnelles, zuverlässiges und günstiges Webhosting und Domains für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen. Klar strukturierte Preise, Einfachheit und maximale Sicherheit sind unser Credo.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

rhöncloud GmbH Visit rhöncloud GmbH's website

We are a local Cloud Service provider, running our own datacenters in the geographic region of the Rhön, located in eastern Hesse in Germany. Our customers are local small businesses, seeking to host their IT infrastructure in a professional datacenter, while still keeping their data in the area to comply with GDPR and other data protection regulations.

  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

RockingHoster Deutschland GmbH Visit RockingHoster Deutschland GmbH's website

RockingHoster Deutschland GmbH, based in Ahrensburg near Hamburg, is a data centre operator with its own infrastructure and offers professional hosting solutions from web hosting, managed servers, reseller servers, racks and domains.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
  • Website to our electricity supplier

    Our electricity supplier for the datacenter guaranteed 100 % genuine green electricity. Hamburger Energiewerke not only supplies 100 % green electricity. We also produce it ourselves. As a municipal energy supplier, we invest in renewable energies in Hamburg and the region.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Springer Nature B.V. Visit Springer Nature B.V.'s website

Springer Nature advances discovery by publishing trusted research, supporting the development of new ideas and championing open science. We are committed to playing our part in accelerating solutions to address the world’s urgent challenges.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Tralios IT GmbH Visit Tralios IT GmbH's website

Tralios IT is your specialist for running web applications. At Tralios IT, we relieve you of the burden of software operation. Our customized solutions provide the basis for the secure and smooth operation of your web application, website or internet portal. We operate your business software, coding infrastructure and Kubernetes for you - stable, reliable and worry-free.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
Published supporting evidence
  • Green Energy Certificate

    Our servers are housed in the datacenter of Telehouse Germany, that's why the certificate is set to them.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

Uberspace Visit Uberspace's website

Hosting provider

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

UD Media GmbH Visit UD Media GmbH's website

UD Media GmbH is an owner-managed, German hosting provider that uses 100% green electricity.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

webgo GmbH Visit webgo GmbH's website

webgo stands for more than just hosting - we offer a platform for creativity, growth and technical precision. Our focus is not only on providing high quality hosting packages, but also on creating an inspiring environment for webprofessionals, agencies and freelancers.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

webhostone GmbH Visit webhostone GmbH's website

webhostone company

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Storage: Object Storage
  • Storage: Block Storage
  • Network: Content Delivery Networks
  • Platform: Platform As A Service
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction. ISP e.K. Visit ISP e.K.'s website

Von Anfang an richtig: Hosting, Webhosting, Webspace, Server, vServer, Domains, Reseller, eMail, SSL und weitere Angebote.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Virtual Private Servers
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

WebWaddle Ltd. Visit WebWaddle Ltd.'s website

WebWaddle Ltd. is a digital Full-Service-Provider, empowering organizations to gain full control of their own infrastructure. As such we provide turnkey-solutions from a multitude of manufacturers and also offer easy-to-use hosting, both B2B and B2C.

  • Compute: Shared Hosting for Websites
  • Compute: Physical Servers
  • Compute: Colocation Services
  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Published supporting evidence
  • OVHcloud Sustainability

    We do not have own data-centers, to better support our users with data-centers close to where they are located. We strongly support green hosting and as such only choose to use our own infrastructure or provided infrastructure with data-center operators that work on net-zero emissions. As such most our infrastructure is at Hetzner's data centers, that use hydropower or with OVHcloud. We guarantee to only choose green hosters in the future or to offset all emissions generated.

  • Hetzner Sustainability

    We do not have own data-centers, to better support our users with data-centers close to where they are located. We strongly support green hosting and as such only choose to use our own infrastructure or provided infrastructure with data-center operators that work on net-zero emissions. As such most our infrastructure is at Hetzner's data centers, that use hydropower or with OVHcloud. We guarantee to only choose green hosters in the future or to offset all emissions generated.

Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.

WPspace Visit WPspace's website

WPspace is a WordPress hoster from Germany. WPspace stands for lightning-fast loading times, 100% WordPress optimisation and personal professional support from experts who love WordPress.

  • Platform: Managed WordPress Hosting
Think this data could be improved?

We work with hosting providers to ensure the data shown here is correct on submission, refreshed at least annually and made public. But like any dataset, this data requires tending. It can become incorrect over time. That's when a little people power makes all the difference!

Customers of this provider - a request coming from a customer to update the information visible here usually carries more weight than one coming from us. Use our sample emails to start a conversation.

Provider staff - submit a correction.